The NHS Friends and Family test (FFT)

The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is an important feedback tool that supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience. Listening to the views of patients and staff helps identify what is working well, what can be improved and how. The FFT was updated in 2020 and a new question invites feedback on the overall experience of using the service.

For more information on the programme visit NHS England

How does it work?

You will be asked the following question:

‘Overall, how was your experience of our service?’

You will be invited to respond by choosing from a range of answers from very good to very poor. You will also be asked:

‘Please tell us about anything that we could have done better.’

Completing the questionnaire is entirely voluntary and cannot be traced back to you and your details will not be passed on to anyone. A member of your family or a friend is welcome to complete this on your behalf if you are unable to.

How will the results be used?

We will gather the results and analyse them to see if any action is required.

Does this replace the NHS complaints procedure or other forms of feedback?

No, this will not replace the current NHS complaints procedure or other forms of feedback. St Stephen's Health Centre and other service providers will continue to use their own ways of gathering feedback in addition to the NHS friends and family test.

If you would like to take part in this survey please download a copy of the form here or ask at reception

Taking part

If you would like to feedback on the care you have received at St Stephen’s please click on the link

If you would prefer to complete a paper questionnaire, please ask one of the receptionists for a FFT form to complete.

Thank you. We value your feedback and will use it to make improvements to our service where these are needed.